Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I will admit..

.. that I am a total sucker for reality shows, and almost anything MTV has to offer in that category (aside from Jersey Shore, which I absolutely refuse to watch.) I watched The Real World before it was cool, and long before it was the complete joke it is today. (and probably before any normal parent allows his/her child to.) After enjoying 16 and Pregnant, I was excited to see that the cameras would be following four storylines further, and Teen Mom was born. Or perhaps birthed is a better term.

Farrah I can't stand, because she was obnoxious before she had a kid, and now that Sophia is around, she still refuses to give up her "teenage" status. Amber and Gary provide a good example of how having a baby changes a relationship, and I was glad to see that Amber finally stopped acting like a victim. Catelynn chose adoption which by far is the hardest choice of all, and I'm glad MTV chose to show how even that can make a big difference in your life.

By far, though, my favorite is Maci. First of all, Bentley is the cutest child in the world (would even give little Clara a run for her money) and it seems like Maci is the only one who has realized that "mother" is her primary role now. And she loves her baby to death. She has the most family support, and seems to be the least stressed about raising her baby. The problem for her, is her DB of a baby daddy- Ryan, who is pretty much the scum of the earth. Thankfully she has finally realized that no matter how much she wants him to be a good dad, he won't really be, and has decided to give up trying to make their relationship work.

All of this to say, that I'm getting my hair cut eventually, and I'm thinking it might look like Maci's.

1 comment:

Liz said...

please link a pic.