Thursday, November 26, 2009

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for...

-the many, many people in my life who help block out the stress and worry of the real world.
-Friday office hours in Kretzmann with Elle Dub and Nikki. (and Micah, who will do anything I ask without complaining, and otherwise keeps us entertained and sane)
-the ability to write a killer paper the night before it's due, knowing that it's probably better than most of my classmates.
-friends who give me shit and don't let me forget how ridiculous I can be.
-a boy who will tell his friends he's busy when I've had a rough week so that we can eat cheese, watch movies and doesn't make fun of me for going to bed early.
-my competitive nature.
-people who care about my father and bring joy to his life daily.
-a church family who welcomes my mom with open arms for any and all holidays.
- the water in all places except Valpo that makes my hair really soft.
-Mat Kearney who reminds me of the greatness of life in Portland
-feeling love from multiple people in every time zone.
-a church family of my own, who keep me accountable and remind me how great fellowship can be.
-one semester and three weeks left in my educational career.
-that spending time with other people's families reminds me that every family is a little strange.
-siblings who remind me that I can always be a better version of myself.

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