Thursday, September 11, 2008

Proof that I'm a Joiner

Let's see how overcommitted to things I am this semester-

Ambassador in Admission- about 7-8 hours a week.
VOV DVD Coordinator- comes and goes.
Writing Center Consultant- 5 hours a week (at 8.25/hour- it pays to be smart!)

Student Nurses Association- President-Elect -2 or 3 meetings a month at an hour each.
Victorious Secret Intramurals- 2 hours a week
Dance Ensemble- 4-5 hours a week, we have to wait and see.
Everwood Night with Philly- 3 hours a week.
College of Nursing Student Academic Fair Practices Subcommittee- I don't know what this is, but I was on it last year and we didn't meet once. I figure it's worth my time :)

I've decided that I feel the most busy because it's the beginning of the year, and because I have a night class this semester which makes my M/W really long. But really, my T/H/F/S/S are pretty empty.


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