Slowly but surely, I’m deleting lines from my email signature… and handing over responsibilities. Amy led our last SNA meeting of the year, and I’m sure she’ll do a great job next year. Tomorrow we celebrate as officers with breakfast compliments of our advisor, Prof. O. I spent Thursday night training sharing the secrets of being a great tour manager (basically just organization) with Susan, who we’ve been grooming all year to be my replacement. I spent all day Saturday crafting cool awards to give my top tour guides today at our AIA end of the year party. I just finished a “how-to” guide for next year’s Admitted Student Day coordinator, and will join my fellow VOV committee members for dinner at El Salto tomorrow night.
Right now, I’m sitting in the admission office all by myself (yes, on a Sunday night), trying not to get nostalgic. This has been my second home for the last two years, and many of my best friendships were formed within these walls. I can only hope that soon I will again get to work with great people who love their jobs this much.
Two weeks from today I’ll be a college graduate. “I’m Vickie Chambers, tour manager and a senior nursing major from the great state of
Ready or not?
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