Not a worry in the world, cold beer in my hand, life is good today…
If ever there was a song that fit a trip perfectly, it would be the Zac Brown Band’s “Toes” and Spring Break 2010. There were countless times when I was literally doing exactly what the song describes. And I would give anything to go back right now.
The more stressful life gets (ie finals week and lots of work projects) the more I find myself reminiscing and dreaming of the island. Which, aside from being counterproductive, just makes me miss it more. I was surprised at how much like “home” it felt- I’m not kidding when I say that if I could figure out a warm shower, I’d live there forever. Apparently there are PeaceCorps people who get placed there, which seems like a dream, not reality. I would join the Corps in a heartbeat if I was guaranteed that placement (although I assume Spanish language fluency would come in handy.)
I came home really excited about being a nurse- looking forward to the “job hunt”… until I realized just how hard it’s going to be to land that first job. Especially before I pass boards and with three weddings in Oregon in July/August. Now I’m discouraged and looking at ways to put off joining the real world (which have included auditioning for “The Real World”) People seem eager to talk to me about a few different opportunities, so I’m forced to deal with the fact that graduation is less than 8 weeks away.
Which I suppose means I should stop day dreaming…

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